August 9, 2010

Anytime Shoot: Mary R.

Oh, Mary!

Full disclosure: this pretty lady is one of my dearest friends in all the world. She has been a guiding voice of reason and strength since I've known her and continuously believes in me and my madness even from my wee days. We love brunching, discovering new restaurants and Shakespeare-ing in the park in the summertime. We also love a good beach adventure, who doesn’t? When she asked if I could take some portraits of her to use for various business/professional reasons I was beyond excited.

So in our usual fantastic way, we explored downtown soho where we had this shoot and of course had a few adventures along the way. Including getting rained on when it wasn’t raining (we hope it was rain...), changing in strange empty restaurants, changing on the streets (!), etc. So much fun. Mary was patient with my crazy direction giving and positioning and we chased that sun until there was no more light left in the day. All in all, a perfect way to spend a Monday night.

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